| see the log download
HTTrack3.48-18+htsswf+htsjava launched on Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:01:18 at
<http://www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/> <http://www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/>
<http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/> <http://www.rw6ase-dok1.narod.ru/>
<http://www.rw6ase-dok.narod.ru/> <http://rw6ase.narod.ru/>
<http://rw6ase.borda.ru/> <http://rw6ase-dok1.narod.ru/> +*.png +*.gif +*.jpg
+*.css +*.js -ad.doubleclick.net/* -mime:application/foobar
(winhttrack -qiC2%Ps2u1%s%uN0%I0p3DaK0H0%kf2A25000%f#f -F "Mozilla/4.5
(compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)" -%F "<!-- Mirrored from %s%s by
HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2013], %s -->" -%l "en, *"
<http://www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/> <http://www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/>
<http://www.rw6ase.narod.ru/> <http://www.rw6ase-dok1.narod.ru/>
<http://www.rw6ase-dok.narod.ru/> <http://rw6ase.narod.ru/>
<http://rw6ase.borda.ru/> <http://rw6ase-dok1.narod.ru/> -O1
"F:\files\www.rw6ase.narod.ru\http___www.rw6ase.narod.ru_" +*.png +*.gif
+*.jpg +*.css +*.js -ad.doubleclick.net/* -mime:application/foobar )
Information, Warnings and Errors reported for this mirror:
note: the hts-log.txt file, and hts-cache folder, may contain sensitive
such as username/password authentication for websites mirrored in this
do not share these files/folders if you want these information to remain
12:02:20 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 1973744 got 288948): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb17.djvu
12:02:21 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 1635266 got 288948): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb19.djvu
12:02:27 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 1623486 got 338316): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb16.djvu
12:02:35 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2352556 got 416724): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb12.djvu
12:03:12 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 3017100 got 320892): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb21.djvu
12:03:13 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 1740538 got 320892): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb23.djvu
12:03:18 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2377222 got 320892): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb24.djvu
12:03:27 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 1574454 got 320892): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb25.djvu
12:04:04 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2437423 got 320892): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb29.djvu
12:04:05 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2034135 got 1809192): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb34.djvu
12:04:06 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2881964 got 1861464): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb30.djvu
12:04:14 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 1989601 got 1781604): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb35.djvu
12:04:41 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2962009 got 1739496): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb36.djvu
12:04:42 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 3262572 got 1724976): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb39.djvu
12:04:42 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 3620110 got 1817904): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb44.djvu
12:04:50 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 3928299 got 1781604): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb45.djvu
12:05:14 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2950838 got 1710456): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb46.djvu
12:05:14 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 1829696 got 203280): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb47.djvu
12:05:23 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2652930 got 1033824): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb48.djvu
12:05:24 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 3764685 got 1001880): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb50.djvu
12:05:55 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2215906 got 252648): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb52.djvu
12:05:56 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 4657068 got 1045440): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb53.djvu
12:06:04 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 4932350 got 1059960): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1949/mrb54.djvu
12:06:05 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 1811546 got 1059960): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1964/mrb480.djvu
12:06:36 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2803046 got 1748208): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1964/mrb535.djvu
12:06:36 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 1833579 got 1028016): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1964/mrb512.djv
12:06:43 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2413704 got 1765632): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1964/mrb541.djvu
12:06:45 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 4550891 got 1723524): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1964/mrb544.djvu
12:07:14 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 3025629 got 1743852): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1964/mrb547.DJV
12:07:15 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 4791995 got 1745304): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1964/mrb549.djvu
12:07:17 Warning: Moved Permanently for www.rw6ase-dok1.narod.ru/
12:07:17 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
www.rw6ase-dok1.narod.ru/ and rw6ase-dok1.narod.ru/
12:07:17 Warning: File has moved from www.rw6ase-dok1.narod.ru/ to
12:07:18 Error: "Service Temporarily Unavailable" (503) at link
www.rw6ase-dok.narod.ru/ (from primary/primary)
12:07:19 Warning: Note: due to rw6ase.borda.ru remote robots.txt rules, links
beginning with these path will be forbidden: /upload.pl, /avr/, /doc/, /gif/,
/js/ (see in the options to disable this)
12:07:20 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2384709 got 997524): www.rw6ase2.narod.ru/1964/mrb560.djvu
12:07:20 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (incomplete
type with OK (200), size 85): www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/0/lw.gif
12:08:04 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 3778029 got 274428):
12:08:09 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 4237849 got 288948): www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/0/god/1950/mrb62.djvu
12:08:12 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 3288126 got 320892): www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/0/god/1942/okdr42.djvu
12:08:25 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 4000557 got 1257432): www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/0/god/1930/er30.djvu
12:08:52 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 945272 got 288948): www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/0/god/1950/mrb83.djv
12:08:56 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2311691 got 288948): www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/0/god/1950/wpsr50.djv
12:08:59 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2889654 got 288948): www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/0/god/1951/mrb119.djvu
12:09:12 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 1947761 got 288948): www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/0/god/1951/mrb123.djvu
12:09:39 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 2693435 got 288948): www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/0/god/1951/mrb126.djvu
12:09:44 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 737169 got 288948): www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/0/god/1952/mrb152.djvu
12:09:47 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (broken size,
expected 3995876 got 288948): www.rw6ase1.narod.ru/0/god/1952/mrb154.djvu | |