| I have received error, and it said to report this to this www side, so I do. I
used this software (thank you for this usefull pice of software) an it crashed
after 6 days of scanning/downloading of over 1 milion of links.
I hope this help to improve.
Best regards,
HTTrack 3.48.19 closed at '..\httrack\htscache.c', line 401
Reason: zip_zipCloseFileInZip_failed
Stack trace:
unknown [WinHTTrack]
unknown [WinHTTrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
hts_is_available [libhttrack]
hts_is_available [libhttrack]
copy_htsopt [libhttrack]
copy_htsopt [libhttrack]
hts_main2 [libhttrack]
unknown [WinHTTrack]
htsthread_init [libhttrack]
endthreadex [MSVCR90]
endthreadex [MSVCR90]
BaseThreadInitThunk [KERNEL32]
| |