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Subject: Crashed while handling a zip file
Author: Nemo
Date: 08/14/2015 11:28

WinHttrack crashed on me, apparently while it was handling a zip file.

I am using version 3.48-21.

This is what the file "crash.txt" says:

HTTrack 3.48.21 closed at '.\htscache.c', line 401
Reason: zip_zipCloseFileInZip_failed

Stack trace:
unknown [WinHTTrack]
unknown [WinHTTrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
hts_is_available [libhttrack]
hts_is_available [libhttrack]
copy_htsopt [libhttrack]
copy_htsopt [libhttrack]
hts_main2 [libhttrack]
unknown [WinHTTrack]
htsthread_init [libhttrack]
endthreadex [MSVCR90]
endthreadex [MSVCR90]
BaseThreadInitThunk [kernel32]

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Subject Author Date
Crashed while handling a zip file

08/14/2015 11:28


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