| I am scraping a website... it crashed with the following:
And now when I try to re-scrape it, it works for a while then this happens
again. Any idea how I can fix this?
HTTrack 3.48.21 closed at '.\htscache.c', line 401
Reason: zip_zipCloseFileInZip_failed
Stack trace:
unknown [WinHTTrack]
unknown [WinHTTrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
hts_is_available [libhttrack]
hts_is_available [libhttrack]
copy_htsopt [libhttrack]
copy_htsopt [libhttrack]
hts_main2 [libhttrack]
unknown [WinHTTrack]
htsthread_init [libhttrack]
endthreadex [MSVCR90]
endthreadex [MSVCR90]
BaseThreadInitThunk [KERNEL32]
| |