| > how would i set up the scanning options so that i'll have
> all the full size images in the entire gallery to be
> onto my computer. also, the gallery requires the user to
> sign in prior to viewing any full sized pics, which is
> then saved in the cookie. do i just cookie text file for
> carandmodel.com from the ie cookie folder to the httrack
> folder?
Yes, this should do the trick :
- create a new project (enter the projectname in httrack,
and the click next) ; a new folder should be created (for
example, C:\My Web Sites\foobar)
- copy in this newly created folder the cookie(s) (copy the
cookies.txt file)
Note: if you copy IE cookies (foo@bar.txt), create ALSO an
empty cookies.txt file in the same project folder, else
httrack won't detect it.
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