| Hello
I have a subscription to jamplay.com. Due to my poor network performance, I
would like to download some videos. I used httrack 3.48-21 on my windows10
- Firstly, I used all standard filters , website download using httrack went
well more or less with few warning and errors except no videos stored.
- secondly, I relaunched using *.* filter as I didn't know the video
extension. Again website download using httrack went well (see log below),
but all the links related to videos are stored as html and nothing more?Any
help would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance
second download log file hereunder with login replaced with YYYY and XXXX
HTTrack3.48-21+htsswf+htsjava launched on Thu, 15 Dec 2016 22:51:44 at
<http://YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com> +*.css +*.js -ad.doubleclick.net/*
-mime:application/foobar +*.gif +*.jpg +*.jpeg +*.png +*.tif +*.bmp +*.zip
+*.tar +*.tgz +*.gz +*.rar +*.z +*.exe +*.mov +*.mpg +*.mpeg +*.avi +*.asf
+*.mp3 +*.mp2 +*.rm +*.wav +*.vob +*.qt +*.vid +*.ac3 +*.wma +*.wmv +*.pdf
+*.gpx +*.mp4 +*.*
(winhttrack -qir3C2%Ps2u1%s%uN0%I0p3DaK0M3000000000H0%kf2A250000%f#f -F
"Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)" -%F "<!-- Mirrored from
%s%s by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2014], %s -->" -%l "fr, en, *"
<http://YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com> -O1 "C:\Mes Sites Web\T2" +*.css +*.js
-ad.doubleclick.net/* -mime:application/foobar +*.gif +*.jpg +*.jpeg +*.png
+*.tif +*.bmp +*.zip +*.tar +*.tgz +*.gz +*.rar +*.z +*.exe +*.mov +*.mpg
+*.mpeg +*.avi +*.asf +*.mp3 +*.mp2 +*.rm +*.wav +*.vob +*.qt +*.vid +*.ac3
+*.wma +*.wmv +*.pdf +*.gpx +*.mp4 +*.* )
Information, Warnings and Errors reported for this mirror:
note: the hts-log.txt file, and hts-cache folder, may contain sensitive
such as username/password authentication for websites mirrored in this
do not share these files/folders if you want these information to remain
22:53:12 Warning: Note: due to www.w3.org remote robots.txt rules, links
beginning with these path will be forbidden: /*/wp-admin/, /*/wp-includes/,
/*/wp-content/plugins/, /*/wp-content/cache/, /*/wp-content/themes/,
/blog/*/trackback/, /blog/*/feed/, /blog/*/comments/, /blog/*/category/*/*,
/blog/*/*/trackback/, /blog/*/*/feed/, /blog/*/*/comments/, /blog/*/*?,
/community/trackback/, /community/feed/, /community/comments/,
/community/category/*/*, /community/*/trackback/, /community/*/feed/,
/community/*/comments/, /community/*/category/*/*, /community/*?,
/Consortium/Offices/trackback/, /Consortium/Offices/feed/,
/Consortium/Offices/comments/, /Consortium/Offices/category/*/*,
/Consortium/Offices/*/trackback/, /Consortium/Offices/*/feed/,
/Consortium/Offices/*/comments/, /Consortium/Offices/*?, /wiki/index.php?,
/wiki/index.php/Help, /wiki/index.php/MediaWiki, /wiki/index.php/Special:,
/wiki/index.php/Template, /wiki/skins/, /*/wiki/index.php?,
/*/wiki/index.php/Help, /*/wiki/index.php/MediaWiki,
/*/wiki/index.php/Special:, /*/wiki/index.php/Template, /2004/ontaria/basic,
/Team/, /Project, /Web, /Systems, /History, /Out-Of-Date, /2005/06/blog/,
/2004/08/W3CTalks, /2007/11/Talks/search, /People/all/,
/RDF/Validator/ARPServlet, /RDF/Validator/rdfval,
/2003/03/Translations/byLanguage, /2003/03/Translations/byTechnology,
/2005/11/Translations/Query, /2000/06/webdata/xslt, /2000/09/webdata/xslt,
/2005/08/online_xslt/xslt, /Bugs/, /Search/Mail/Public/, /2006/02/chartergen,
/2004/01/pp-impl, /Consortium/supporters, /2007/08/pyRdfa/,
/2012/pyRdfa/extract, /WAI/PF/comments/, /participate/conferences.xml,
/scripts/, /2005/01/yacker/, /2005/01/yacker?, /2003/09/nschecker?, /services
(see in the options to disable this)
22:53:20 Warning: Found for m.jamplay.com/
22:53:20 Warning: File has moved from m.jamplay.com/ to
22:53:55 Warning: Temporary Redirect for members.jamplay.com/
22:53:55 Warning: File has moved from members.jamplay.com/ to
22:54:41 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (incomplete
type with OK (200), size 5453): <https://static.ads-twitter.com/oct.js>
22:54:42 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (incomplete
type with OK (200), size 43):
22:59:40 Warning: Moved Permanently for
22:59:40 Warning: File has moved from
www.jamplay.com/teachers/13-mark-kailana-nelson to
<http://www.jamplay.com/teachers/13-mark> kailana-nelson
22:59:50 Warning: Moved Permanently for
22:59:50 Warning: File has moved from
www.jamplay.com/teachers/62-allen-van-wert to
<http://www.jamplay.com/teachers/62-allen-van> wert
23:11:56 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (incomplete
type with OK (200), size 30831):
23:17:09 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (incomplete
type with No Content (204), size 0): <https://csi.gstatic.com/csi>
23:19:27 Error: "Connect Error" (-4) after 2 retries at link
www.bbb.org/robots.txt (from YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com/)
23:19:27 Warning: Retry after error -4 (Connect Error) at link
(from YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com/)
23:19:29 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link
(from YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com/)
23:19:36 Warning: Moved Temporarily for privacy-policy.truste.com/robots.txt
23:19:36 Warning: File has moved from privacy-policy.truste.com/robots.txt
23:19:38 Warning: Temporary Redirect for <https://account.jamplay.com/>
23:19:38 Warning: File has moved from <https://account.jamplay.com/> to
23:21:21 Warning: file not stored in cache due to bogus state (incomplete
type with OK (200), size 1): blog.jamplay.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
23:32:41 Warning: HTML file (38386 bytes) retransferred due to lack of
23:32:41 Warning: HTML file (37765 bytes) retransferred due to lack of
23:32:41 Warning: HTML file (41017 bytes) retransferred due to lack of
23:35:37 Warning: Retry after error -5
(error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)) at link
<https://js.intercomcdn.com/shim.84a04c87.js> (from
23:35:38 Warning: Found for
23:35:38 Warning: File has moved from
23:35:45 Warning: Note: due to <https://www.w3.org> remote robots.txt rules,
links beginning with these path will be forbidden: /*/wp-admin/,
/*/wp-includes/, /*/wp-content/plugins/, /*/wp-content/cache/,
/*/wp-content/themes/, /blog/*/trackback/, /blog/*/feed/, /blog/*/comments/,
/blog/*/category/*/*, /blog/*/*/trackback/, /blog/*/*/feed/,
/blog/*/*/comments/, /blog/*/*?, /community/trackback/, /community/feed/,
/community/comments/, /community/category/*/*, /community/*/trackback/,
/community/*/feed/, /community/*/comments/, /community/*/category/*/*,
/community/*?, /Consortium/Offices/trackback/, /Consortium/Offices/feed/,
/Consortium/Offices/comments/, /Consortium/Offices/category/*/*,
/Consortium/Offices/*/trackback/, /Consortium/Offices/*/feed/,
/Consortium/Offices/*/comments/, /Consortium/Offices/*?, /wiki/index.php?,
/wiki/index.php/Help, /wiki/index.php/MediaWiki, /wiki/index.php/Special:,
/wiki/index.php/Template, /wiki/skins/, /*/wiki/index.php?,
/*/wiki/index.php/Help, /*/wiki/index.php/MediaWiki,
/*/wiki/index.php/Special:, /*/wiki/index.php/Template, /2004/ontaria/basic,
/Team/, /Project, /Web, /Systems, /History, /Out-Of-Date, /2005/06/blog/,
/2004/08/W3CTalks, /2007/11/Talks/search, /People/all/,
/RDF/Validator/ARPServlet, /RDF/Validator/rdfval,
/2003/03/Translations/byLanguage, /2003/03/Translations/byTechnology,
/2005/11/Translations/Query, /2000/06/webdata/xslt, /2000/09/webdata/xslt,
/2005/08/online_xslt/xslt, /Bugs/, /Search/Mail/Public/, /2006/02/chartergen,
/2004/01/pp-impl, /Consortium/supporters, /2007/08/pyRdfa/,
/2012/pyRdfa/extract, /WAI/PF/comments/, /participate/conferences.xml,
/scripts/, /2005/01/yacker/, /2005/01/yacker?, /2003/09/nschecker?, /services
(see in the options to disable this)
23:36:03 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
(from www-ecs.jamplay.com/client/shell/css/Index.css)
23:36:03 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/client/shell/images/css-bg/index/video-qa.jpg (from
23:36:03 Warning: Link store.jamplay.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection not
scanned (follow robots meta tag)
23:36:04 Warning: Found for <https://www.shopify.com/>
23:36:04 Warning: File has moved from <https://www.shopify.com/> to
23:36:51 Warning: Moved Permanently for www.jamplay.com/profiles/sloughhand
23:36:51 Warning: File has moved from www.jamplay.com/profiles/sloughhand to
23:36:59 Warning: Link www.jamplay.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection not
(follow robots meta tag)
23:37:16 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
(from www.jamplay.com/teachers/128-dustin-prinz)
23:37:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5067.jpg (from
23:37:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5068.jpg (from
23:37:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5069.jpg (from
23:37:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5070.jpg (from
23:37:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5071.jpg (from
23:37:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5072.jpg (from
23:37:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5073.jpg (from
23:37:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5080.jpg (from
23:37:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5074.jpg (from
23:37:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5081.jpg (from
23:37:40 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5082.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5083.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5086.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5087.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5088.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5089.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5090.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5099.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5100.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5101.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5117.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5153.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5154.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5157.jpg (from
23:37:41 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5158.jpg (from
23:37:42 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5161.jpg (from
23:37:42 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/271_5162.jpg (from
23:37:59 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/189_5265.jpg (from
23:38:16 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
(from www.jamplay.com/teachers/86-peter-einhorn)
23:38:24 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/uploads/lessons/thumbs/phase2/112_3624.jpg (from
23:39:28 Warning: Note: due to ilikenomad.com remote robots.txt rules, links
beginning with these path will be forbidden: /wp-admin/ (see in the options
disable this)
23:40:00 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
www-ecs.jamplay.com/client/global/images/logo/phase2/.png (from
23:40:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:00 Warning: File has moved from
www.jamplay.com/guitar-lessons//0-/282/5264-2-jazz-blues-chord-voicings to /
23:40:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:00 Warning: File has moved from
www.jamplay.com/guitar-lessons//0-/282/5278-3-adding-melody to /
23:40:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:00 Warning: File has moved from
www.jamplay.com/guitar-lessons//0-/282/5279-4-adding-the-flat-7 to /
23:40:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:00 Warning: File has moved from
www.jamplay.com/guitar-lessons//0-/282/5289-5-progression-changes to /
23:40:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:00 Warning: File has moved from
to /
23:40:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:00 Warning: File has moved from
www.jamplay.com/guitar-lessons//0-/282/5339-7-minor-pentatonic-approach to /
23:40:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:00 Warning: File has moved from
www.jamplay.com/guitar-lessons//0-/282/5338-8-chromatic-approach-to-the-3 to
23:40:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:00 Warning: File has moved from
www.jamplay.com/guitar-lessons//0-/282/5341-9-6-flat-9-chord to /
23:40:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:00 Warning: File has moved from
to /
23:40:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:00 Warning: File has moved from
23:40:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:00 Warning: File has moved from
to /
23:40:23 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:40:23 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
23:40:23 Warning: File has moved from
23:40:23 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link
YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com/restserver.php (from
23:40:24 Warning: Note: due to <https://itunes.apple.com> remote robots.txt
rules, links beginning with these path will be forbidden:
/WebObjects/MZFastFinance.woa, /WebObjects/MZFinance.woa,
/WebObjects/MZPersonalizer.woa, /WebObjects/MZStoreElements.woa,
/station/idst., /WebObjects/*, /search*, /*/rss/*, /*/lookup? (see in the
options to disable this)
23:40:25 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link
YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com/dialog/ (from
23:41:26 Warning: Found for l.facebook.com/robots.txt
23:41:26 Warning: File has moved from l.facebook.com/robots.txt to
23:41:26 Warning: Note: due to <https://external-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net> remote
robots.txt rules, links beginning with these path will be forbidden: / (see
the options to disable this)
23:41:29 Warning: Found for <https://l.facebook.com/robots.txt>
23:41:29 Warning: File has moved from <https://l.facebook.com/robots.txt> to
23:41:31 Warning: Found for
23:41:31 Warning: File has moved from
23:41:37 Warning: Found for
23:41:37 Warning: File has moved from
to <https://www.facebook.com/business/>
23:41:38 Error: "Bad Request" (400) at link <https://pbs.twimg.com/> (from
23:41:53 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link
(from <https://twitter.com/jamplay>)
23:41:54 Warning: Moved Permanently for <https://about.twitter.com/>
23:41:54 Warning: File has moved from <https://about.twitter.com/> to
23:42:00 Warning: Found for status.twitter.com/robots.txt
23:42:00 Warning: File has moved from status.twitter.com/robots.txt to
23:42:00 Warning: Found for status.twitter.com/
23:42:00 Warning: File has moved from status.twitter.com/ to
23:42:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for support.twitter.com/robots.txt
23:42:00 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
support.twitter.com/robots.txt and <https://support.twitter.com/robots.txt>
23:42:00 Warning: Warning moved treated for support.twitter.com/robots.txt
(real one is <https://support.twitter.com/robots.txt>)
23:42:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for support.twitter.com/
23:42:00 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
support.twitter.com/ and <https://support.twitter.com/>
23:42:00 Warning: File has moved from support.twitter.com/ to
23:42:02 Warning: Found for <https://plus.google.com/>
23:42:02 Warning: File has moved from <https://plus.google.com/> to
23:42:02 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link <https://plus.google.com/GET>
23:42:02 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link
(from <https://plus.google.com/+jamplay>)
23:42:02 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link
(from <https://plus.google.com/+jamplay>)
23:42:04 Warning: Moved Temporarily for
23:42:04 Warning: File has moved from
to <https://play.google.com/store?hl=fr&tab=X8>
23:42:07 Warning: Moved Temporarily for
23:42:07 Warning: File has moved from <https://mail.google.com/mail/?tab=Xm>
23:42:08 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:42:08 Warning: File has moved from
to <https://www.google.fr/intl/fr/about/products/>
23:42:09 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
<https://translate.google.fr/?hl=fr&tab=XT> (from
23:42:09 Error: "Unauthorized" (401) at link
<https://books.google.fr/bkshp?hl=fr&tab=Xp> (from
23:42:10 Warning: Moved Temporarily for <https://www.blogger.com/?tab=Xj>
23:42:10 Warning: File has moved from <https://www.blogger.com/?tab=Xj> to
23:42:10 Warning: Found for <https://photos.google.com/?tab=Xq&pageId=none>
23:42:10 Warning: File has moved from
<https://photos.google.com/?tab=Xq&pageId=none> to
23:42:11 Warning: Moved Permanently for video.google.fr/?hl=fr&tab=Xv
23:42:11 Warning: File has moved from video.google.fr/?hl=fr&tab=Xv to
23:42:11 Warning: Moved Temporarily for
23:42:11 Warning: File has moved from
<https://docs.google.com/document/?usp=docs_alc> to
23:42:12 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:42:12 Warning: File has moved from
<https://www.google.com/support/profiles/?p=help_center&hl=fr> to
23:42:12 Warning: Found for www.google.com/intl/fr/+/learnmore/forum/
23:42:12 Warning: File has moved from
www.google.com/intl/fr/+/learnmore/forum/ to
23:42:13 Warning: Link <https://plus.google.com/hangouts?n=1> not scanned
(follow robots meta tag)
23:42:14 Warning: Moved Temporarily for <https://business.google.com/>
23:42:14 Warning: File has moved from <https://business.google.com/> to
23:42:14 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:42:14 Warning: File has moved from
<https://www.google.com/intl/fr/+/policy/> to
23:42:19 Warning: Moved Permanently for bass.jamplay.com/robots.txt
23:42:19 Warning: File has moved from bass.jamplay.com/robots.txt to
23:42:19 Warning: Moved Permanently for bass.jamplay.com/
23:42:19 Warning: File has moved from bass.jamplay.com/ to
23:42:20 Warning: Found for <https://apis.google.com/robots.txt>
23:42:20 Warning: File has moved from <https://apis.google.com/robots.txt>
23:42:20 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link <https://apis.google.com/> (from
23:42:20 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link <https://plus.google.com/https>:
(from <https://plus.google.com/+jamplay>)
23:42:20 Warning: Found for <https://www.google.com/>
23:42:20 Warning: File has moved from <https://www.google.com/> to
23:42:20 Warning: Found for <https://photos.google.com/>
23:42:20 Warning: File has moved from <https://photos.google.com/> to
23:42:20 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link
(from <https://plus.google.com/+jamplay>)
23:42:22 Error: "No Content" (204) at link <https://csi.gstatic.com/csi>
23:42:22 Warning: Moved Temporarily for
23:42:22 Warning: File has moved from
23:42:22 Warning: Moved Temporarily for
23:42:22 Warning: File has moved from
<https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/> to
23:42:22 Warning: Moved Temporarily for
23:42:22 Warning: File has moved from
<https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/stream/> to
23:42:24 Warning: Found for <https://profiles.google.com/>
23:42:24 Warning: File has moved from <https://profiles.google.com/> to
23:42:24 Warning: Retry after error -4 (Connect Error) at link
(from YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com/)
23:42:25 Warning: Moved Permanently for www.truste.com/robots.txt
23:42:25 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
www.truste.com/robots.txt and <https://www.truste.com/robots.txt>
23:42:25 Warning: Warning moved treated for www.truste.com/robots.txt (real
one is <https://www.truste.com/robots.txt>)
23:42:25 Warning: Moved Permanently for www.truste.com/
23:42:25 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
www.truste.com/ and <https://www.truste.com/>
23:42:25 Warning: File has moved from www.truste.com/ to
23:42:46 Warning: Note: due to download.truste.com remote robots.txt rules,
links beginning with these path will be forbidden: / (see in the options to
disable this)
23:42:46 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:42:46 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
www.truste.com/consumer-resources/dispute-resolution/ and
23:42:46 Warning: File has moved from
www.truste.com/consumer-resources/dispute-resolution/ to
23:42:46 Warning: Moved Permanently for www.truste.com/privacy-policy/
23:42:46 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
www.truste.com/privacy-policy/ and <https://www.truste.com/privacy-policy/>
23:42:46 Warning: File has moved from www.truste.com/privacy-policy/ to
23:42:46 Warning: Moved Permanently for www.truste.com/terms-of-use/
23:42:46 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
www.truste.com/terms-of-use/ and <https://www.truste.com/terms-of-use/>
23:42:46 Warning: File has moved from www.truste.com/terms-of-use/ to
23:42:47 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link www.jamplay.com/www.jamplay.com
(from www.jamplay.com/bass)
23:42:48 Warning: Moved Permanently for account.jamplay.com/?23:42:48
Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
account.jamplay.com/? and <https://account.jamplay.com/?23:42:48> Warning:
File has moved from account.jamplay.com/? to
<https://account.jamplay.com/?23:42:48> Error: "Not Found" (404) at link
www.jamplay.com/affiliates (from
23:42:48 Warning: Moved Temporarily for www.jamplay.com/blog/podcasts
23:42:48 Warning: File has moved from www.jamplay.com/blog/podcasts to
23:42:48 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:42:48 Warning: File has moved from
YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com/instructors/ to /teachers
23:42:49 Warning: Note: due to <https://www.amazon.com> remote robots.txt
rules, links beginning with these path will be forbidden:
/exec/obidos/account-access-login, /exec/obidos/change-style,
/exec/obidos/flex-sign-in, /exec/obidos/handle-buy-box,
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/gp/video/library, /gp/video/watchlist, /reviews/iframe, /gp/switch-language,
/gp/profile/, /giveaway/host/setup/, /norushcredits (see in the options to
disable this)
23:42:51 Error: "NotFound" (404) at link
(from YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com/supported-devices)
23:42:52 Warning: Moved Permanently for www.apple.com/appletv/
23:42:52 Warning: File has moved from www.apple.com/appletv/ to
23:42:57 Warning: Moved Permanently for us.playstation.com/ps4/
23:42:57 Warning: File has moved from us.playstation.com/ps4/ to
23:42:58 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link
data-vocabulary.org/Review-aggregate (from
23:42:58 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link data-vocabulary.org/Rating (from
23:42:59 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link www.guitarsintheclassroom.org/
(from YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com/company/strategic-alliances)
23:43:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for www.takelessons.com/robots.txt
23:43:00 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
www.takelessons.com/robots.txt and <https://takelessons.com/robots.txt>
23:43:00 Warning: Warning moved treated for www.takelessons.com/robots.txt
(real one is <https://takelessons.com/robots.txt>)
23:43:00 Warning: Moved Permanently for www.takelessons.com/?s=jamplay
23:43:00 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
www.takelessons.com/?s=jamplay and <https://takelessons.com/?s=jamplay>
23:43:00 Warning: File has moved from www.takelessons.com/?s=jamplay to
23:43:01 Warning: Moved Permanently for www.macromedia.com/robots.txt
23:43:01 Warning: File has moved from www.macromedia.com/robots.txt to
23:43:02 Warning: Retry after error -5 (Unable to get server's address:
inconnu. ) at link blog.jamplay.comg/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/favicon.ico
(from blog.jamplay.com/podcasts)
23:43:02 Error: "Method Not Allowed" (405) at link
blog.jamplay.com/xmlrpc.php (from blog.jamplay.com/podcasts)
23:43:02 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Georgia (from blog.jamplay.com/podcasts)
23:43:03 Error: "Forbidden" (403) at link
blog.jamplay.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-banners/ (from
23:43:06 Warning: Found for v0.wordpress.com/robots.txt
23:43:06 Warning: File has moved from v0.wordpress.com/robots.txt to
23:43:06 Warning: Moved Permanently for v0.wordpress.com/
23:43:06 Warning: File has moved from v0.wordpress.com/ to
23:43:06 Warning: Found for jetpack.wordpress.com/
23:43:06 Warning: File has moved from jetpack.wordpress.com/ to
23:43:07 Warning: Note: due to s0.wp.com remote robots.txt rules, links
beginning with these path will be forbidden: /next/, /mshots/v1/, /activate/,
/public.api/, /cgi-bin/, /wp-login.php, /wp-admin/ (see in the options to
disable this)
23:43:07 Warning: Moved Permanently for s0.wp.com/
23:43:07 Warning: File has moved from s0.wp.com/ to <https://wordpress.com>
23:43:07 Warning: Note: due to s1.wp.com remote robots.txt rules, links
beginning with these path will be forbidden: /next/, /mshots/v1/, /activate/,
/public.api/, /cgi-bin/, /wp-login.php, /wp-admin/ (see in the options to
disable this)
23:43:07 Warning: Moved Permanently for s1.wp.com/
23:43:07 Warning: File has moved from s1.wp.com/ to <https://wordpress.com>
23:43:07 Warning: Note: due to s2.wp.com remote robots.txt rules, links
beginning with these path will be forbidden: /next/, /mshots/v1/, /activate/,
/public.api/, /cgi-bin/, /wp-login.php, /wp-admin/ (see in the options to
disable this)
23:43:07 Warning: Moved Permanently for s2.wp.com/
23:43:07 Warning: File has moved from s2.wp.com/ to <https://wordpress.com>
23:43:08 Warning: Moved Permanently for public-api.wordpress.com/robots.txt
23:43:08 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
public-api.wordpress.com/robots.txt and
23:43:08 Warning: Warning moved treated for
public-api.wordpress.com/robots.txt (real one is
23:43:08 Warning: Moved Permanently for public-api.wordpress.com/
23:43:08 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
public-api.wordpress.com/ and <https://public-api.wordpress.com/>
23:43:08 Warning: File has moved from public-api.wordpress.com/ to
23:43:08 Warning: Note: due to 0.gravatar.com remote robots.txt rules, links
beginning with these path will be forbidden: /*.json, /*.xml, /*.php, /*.vcf,
/*.qr, /accounts/activate/* (see in the options to disable this)
23:43:08 Warning: Found for 0.gravatar.com/
23:43:08 Warning: File has moved from 0.gravatar.com/ to
23:43:09 Warning: Note: due to 1.gravatar.com remote robots.txt rules, links
beginning with these path will be forbidden: /*.json, /*.xml, /*.php, /*.vcf,
/*.qr, /accounts/activate/* (see in the options to disable this)
23:43:09 Warning: Found for 1.gravatar.com/
23:43:09 Warning: File has moved from 1.gravatar.com/ to
23:43:09 Warning: Note: due to 2.gravatar.com remote robots.txt rules, links
beginning with these path will be forbidden: /*.json, /*.xml, /*.php, /*.vcf,
/*.qr, /accounts/activate/* (see in the options to disable this)
23:43:09 Warning: Found for 2.gravatar.com/
23:43:09 Warning: File has moved from 2.gravatar.com/ to
23:43:09 Error: "Bad Request" (400) at link
fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Arial (from blog.jamplay.com/podcasts)
23:43:11 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/podcasts)
23:43:13 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/podcasts)
23:43:13 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/podcasts)
23:43:13 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/podcasts)
23:43:14 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/podcasts)
23:43:14 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/podcasts)
23:43:14 Warning: Moved Permanently for
23:43:14 Warning: File has moved from
blog.jamplay.com/?wpbrmethod=ad&hit=Y&id=25 to
23:43:16 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/)
23:43:16 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/)
23:43:16 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/)
23:43:17 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/)
23:43:17 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/)
23:43:17 Error: "Too Many Requests" (429) at link
(from blog.jamplay.com/)
23:43:18 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link
www.jamplaytalk.com/s=baa7908592e5285323eb1c4276678327& (from
23:43:19 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link www.jamplaytalk.com/login (from
23:45:24 Error: "Receive Time Out" (-2) after 2 retries at link
<https://www.vbulletin.com/robots.txt> (from www.jamplaytalk.com/)
23:45:24 Warning: Retry after error -4 (No data (connection closed)) at link
<https://www.vbulletin.com/> (from www.jamplaytalk.com/)
23:45:26 Warning: Moved Permanently for www.amazon.com/robots.txt
23:45:26 Warning: Redirected link is identical because of 'URL Hack' option:
www.amazon.com/robots.txt and <https://www.amazon.com/robots.txt>
23:45:26 Warning: Warning moved treated for www.amazon.com/robots.txt (real
one is <https://www.amazon.com/robots.txt>)
23:45:32 Warning: Link enroll.jamplay.com/trial/shell not scanned (follow
robots meta tag)
23:45:33 Warning: Retry after error -5
(error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)) at link
<https://js.intercomcdn.com/shim.84a04c87.js> (from
23:45:34 Warning: Found for
23:45:34 Warning: File has moved from
23:45:34 Error: "Connect Error" (-4) after 2 retries at link
(from YYYYYY:XXXXXX@www.jamplay.com/)
23:45:34 Warning: Retry after error -5 (Unable to get server's address:
unknown error) at link
blog.jamplay.comg/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/favicon.ico (from
23:47:25 Warning: Retry after error -2 (Receive Time Out) at link
<https://www.vbulletin.com/> (from www.jamplaytalk.com/)
23:47:25 Error: "error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)" (-5) after 2
retries at link <https://js.intercomcdn.com/shim.84a04c87.js> (from
23:47:25 Error: "Unable to get server's address: unknown error" (-5) after 2
retries at link blog.jamplay.comg/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/favicon.ico
23:49:25 Error: "Receive Time Out" (-2) after 2 retries at link
<https://www.vbulletin.com/> (from www.jamplaytalk.com/)
HTTrack Website Copier/3.48-21 mirror complete in 58 minutes 1 seconds : 9239
links scanned, 8942 files written (2408162817 bytes overall), 5162 files
updated [147664389 bytes received at 42420 bytes/sec], 496062029 bytes
transferred using HTTP compression in 4972 files, ratio 23%, 1.7 requests per
(78 errors, 203 warnings, 0 messages)
-------------httract result - screen shot available but i didn't success to
load it here as an image. ------ | |