| I'm trying to compile httrack for a linux box which doesn't
have gcc, make etc. So I'm compiling it on another box.
the first time I compiled it with:
"./configure --prefix=/home/username/httrack"
All went okay, but when I transferred it to the other host,
it complained about not being able to find libhttrack.so.1
(which is located in lib.)
I'm foggy on dynamically linked libraries, so unsure what to
do, I compiled it again with:
When I try to run the second compiled binary, I get:
httrack: htscore.c:967: httpmirror: Assertion `szf + 1 <
sizeof(r.req.user_agent)' failed.
How do I correctly compile the source to be able to run it
on another machine? Or how do I fix the above errors?
thanks a lot.
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