| I've got a problem downloading this site here: <https://www.zero-one.cc/>
Can anyone download it for me? That would be nice.
9:39:27 Warning: Cache: damaged cache, trying to repair
19:39:27 Warning: Cache: 0 bytes successfully recovered in 0 entries
19:39:27 Warning: Cache: error trying to open the cache
19:39:28 Warning: Retry after error -5
(error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)) at link <https://www.zero-one.cc/>
(from primary/primary)
19:39:28 Warning: Retry after error -5
(error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)) at link <https://www.zero-one.cc/>
(from primary/primary)
19:39:28 Error: "error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)" (-5) after 2
retries at link <https://www.zero-one.cc/> (from primary/primary)
19:39:28 Warning: No data seems to have been transferred during this session!
: restoring previous one! | |