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Subject: Maintain original URL name in file name
Author: Rachel
Date: 08/29/2018 02:43
Hello everyone,

I am a complete newbie when it comes to this stuff and have no IT department
at my company. I need to have the original URLS for each individual page
listed somewhere with each download--the file name itself or the footer would
work, too. We need to send the translated htmls back to our client with
corresponding URLs so they know which pages to update.

I am having trouble understanding how to use the User-defined structure
variables and am not seeing the footer when I open the html file even after I
selected the "HTML footer" option that is supposed to say "<!-- Mirrored from by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x
[XR&CO'2010], Tue, 23 Apr 2013 22:04:14 GMT -->

Any help would be greatly appreciated since I've browsed the forums and
underwent the trial and error of trying solutions and attempting to manipulate
the variables. 

Many thanks,
The newb.

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Subject Author Date
Maintain original URL name in file name

08/29/2018 02:43


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