| > So I'm sure you're familiar with the popular PHP BB's
> everywhere... There is one I'd like to mirror which
> requires a user to sign in. He then gets a cookie which
> allows him to read and post messages. Is there a way for
> me to mirror those pages? Copying the cookie to the
> httrack cookies file did not work, I think I need to
> somehow fill in the login info...
... and then,
- launch (wiw)httrack
- start a new project
- add url / capture url
- change your browser proxy settings temporarily as
- press the login "submit" button ; the form request should
be captured by httrack, and your browser should display a
page such as "link captured"
- start the mirror with httrack
- revert your browser settings as they were before
This sometimes work, sometimes not, depending on the
complexity of the website after that.
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