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Subject: Re: Mirroring pages that use forms or Javascript?
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 12/20/2002 17:56
> If you try and mirror that, due to the ungodly MESS of
> javascript inside of it, the images aren't captured.  Any
> way to break through it?
If you specified +*.gif +*.jpg (and other similar filters) 
in Options/Scan Rules, and these images aren't captured, 
this means that httrack did not detect them. There is 
nothing to do in such cases, except haking the html code 
using an editor :(

> Also, a few sites (which I lost the URLs of due to a hdd
> crash last week) fail to mirror because the site only has
> one URL -- the index, which is a php file, uses form post 
> figure out what page you want to go to and displays it 
that way.
> It's a neat trick.  Is there any way to get httrack to
> follow forms like that?
No, forms are not yet handled, mainly because
- they are hard to handle
- handling forms would cause an awful mess, due to the 
number of forums with unprotected "delete" or similar 

>  I don't think it would be a good
> default option (as it could very well break things like
> guest-books and forums on pages you are trying to mirror)
> but on the occasional site...

Yes, and quite hard to configure (which post should be 
treated? what to fill by default in "input type=text" 

> Also, is there a way to get httrack to 'peep' at image 
Nope. The only way would be to simulate mouse clicks each 4 
or 8 pixels, in both XY axis, but this trick actually sucks 
so much that I refused to implement it :)
(100*100 image == above 500 hits..)

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Mirroring pages that use forms or Javascript?

12/20/2002 00:02
Re: Mirroring pages that use forms or Javascript?

12/20/2002 17:56
Re: Mirroring pages that use forms or Javascript?

12/23/2002 09:16


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