| > > the boxscores are organized with an id like:
> > <http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/boxscore?gameId=221208010>
> > and when saving it stops before the ? in the file name.
> > So i am wondering if there is a way to somehow grab the
> > info after the ? because it contains pertinant
> information
> > such as the date the game was played and the home
> > ID number.
> Options / Build / Local structure: options
> %h%p/%n%[gameId].%t
> (in the upcoming release, you'll also be able to do more
> advanced things with the %[] rule thanks to media-access
> support)
The relevant portion from Fred Cohen's guide:
This new option is important: you can include query-string
content when forming the destination filename!
Example: you are mirroring a huge website, with many pages
named as:
Then you can use the -N option:
httrack www.foo.com -N "%h%p/%n%[page].%t"
If found, the "page" parameter will be included after
the filename, and the URLs above will be saved as:
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