| Another of my projects finishes just fine, but leaves me
with a few questions/comments on operation.
Project: <http://thestarman.narod.ru/>
When it finishes, hts-log.txt has recorded this error:
22:41:57 Warning: Error for
22:41:57 Warning: Warning moved treated for
www.wdc.com/support/download/dlg/dlgdiag.zip (real one is
The related entry in new.txt is:
22:41:05 148/170 ---M-- 301 error ('Error')
(from thestarman.narod.ru/asm/mbr/WIPE.html)
When I browse the saved local mirror, I see that the
dlgdiag.zip file has been saved in this folder:
\thestarman.narod.ru 20030115
Is this intended? Should the file be saved at the location
it was (incorrectly) called at or at the location it
currently is at? The difference here is the file would be
saved in 'support.wdc.com\download\dlg' instead
of 'www.wdc.com\support\download\dlg'
This may be more of a philosophical than practical
issue...I myself right now tend to say the file should be
saved in the most accurate location for the current time,
even if it means rewriting the calling page's A HREF URL a
bit more.
But before this, I think the keep-alive problem should be
found... | |