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Subject: Re: Appended underbar
Author: Dave Thompson
Date: 01/20/2003 20:29
Hi, I've noticed that I'm getting these underscores in 
folder names when I archive 

EG: _________________javascript_pop('story_images

In some cases I'm getting up to ten folders with names 
containing underscores or blanks. In some cases - posibly 
related to Yahoo's management of external links embeded 
within pages - I'm getting folder names like, 
__________http__ I'm also getting 'blank' spaces instead of 
underscores in some cases. All of the internal linking 
works just fine but I can see problems down the track in 
having 'illegal' chars in my folder names. 

It seems to be associated with the heavy use of java and in 
my case I can pinpoint exactly when it happened (18 Oct 
2002. I was using WinHTTrack Website Copier version 3.21 
I've had no other sites exhibit this effect. I had it down 
as a result of some Java coding, could it be a bug in 
HTTrack...? I don't see anything I recognise as a 'problem' 
in the hts-log.txt for that date but I'm happy to send 
anyone a copy if it'll help solve this. Anybody else had 
this happen? Cheers, dnt

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Appended underbar

01/20/2003 17:25
Re: Appended underbar

01/20/2003 20:29


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