| I forgot to tell you that all these errors with latest
releases Win-HTTRACK (3.2x at least) are caused maybe by
the fact that your install take as reference ROOT C:
instead of a relative address to operating system.
You may notice that I use a reliable operating system
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, licensed and full updated, but
installed in a secondary partition(E:), far from the well-
known root C: where I have LINUX(...).
Please drop me an email when release another version to fix
it cause I am addicted to your great software that I still
have nothing better to compare with ! (until fixing, I am
forced to use it installed on windows 9x that is working
fine with it).
Could be your MFC42.DLL another cause or registry ?Also by overwriting
dedicated record in registry, this
could get fixed during installation if provided in future
fixing release!
Thank you in advance ! | |