| As I suggested in previous message, refering to the many
confusions on completing the "Set Options"->"ScanRules" but
also "Experts Only" applet(menu) probably 2 solutions could
be implemented:
1) at Scan Rules, to add this new option: to get all files
with a given list of extensions while excluding all the
others type !! As sample, if I need to collect only GIF
or only docs from a website, deeply, let us complete
only "+*.GIF" or alike and check a dedicated button to
indicate to the robot that we don't want to loose time or
traffic for any other type of file (except those one
entered in the box). In the same time, please mention an
example for each of the selections in Expert Only panel in
order to better realize what means all those selections for
your programm. Also at Links panel.
Because I tried to use today the same settings as in some
older releases of your great product, I didn't succeed to
download anything as I used in the past while browsing same
sites not quite interactive.
That is why I suggested these above to be fixed forever and
avoid my and more other's confusions regarding THE
Keep it same so I am waiting your next release!..
Thank a lot for all precious work around ! | |