| The site I want to mirror is
<http://localhost/OBK/inicio.php>, on this first page I have
a link which is <http://localhost/OBK/seg/obkseg.php?idc1=1&dsc1=Herramientas>
which HTTRACK mirrors OK except
where the variable $dsc1 is used and is left empty. The
link on the inicio.php page produced by HTTRACK is
href="seg/obkseg58f4.html?idc1=1&dsc1= Herramientas".
(Maybe the problem is the blank space after the equal
When I mirror the page
<http://localhost/OBK/seg/obkseg.php?idc1=1&dsc1=Herramientas> directly with
HTTRACK I do not get
this problem as the paged is mirrored correctly.
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