| I've tried an update with WinHTTrack Website Copier 3.29-
alpha-05 (+swf)(httrack-3.30-alpha-05.zip).
It seems that javascript parsing has changed :
js files in sub directories are modified and link to files
there instead of the parent's folder.
As those files where created by HTTrack :
<!-- Created by HTTrack Website Copier/3.29-alpha-05
[XR&CO'2003] -->
<TITLE>Page has moved</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=../index-2.html">
<A HREF="../index-2.html"><B>Click here...</B></A>
<!-- Created by HTTrack Website Copier/3.29-alpha-05
[XR&CO'2003] -->
the whole mirror loops from index-2 to a created file, back
to index-2 ...
There's no easy solution, but when the js file is not in
the same directory as the file calling it, everything goes
wrong for html files.
Same problem when links are calculated.
I think that javascript parsing should recognize file names
(as java or object values being
a file name or file names), download them and modify the
link when an existing image or data file is called, but
should not modify links if the file is a redirection
created by the parsing of
the same function (or another function!). When the
structure of the site is kept,
most javascript functions (or java applets) will work.
I don't know which is the best solution with js files, but
I think links should be made relative if absolute but
without depth modification.
Dan | |