| > I don't really understand what you mean in the js.readme
> file by 'you have to set an upper recurse level' and 'has
> not been scanned '
This message is automatically generated when a file was not
caught or scanned because you specified a recurse level
(option r) which is too small. Generally, you don't have to
set one ; as internal limits (staying on the same domain)
is sufficient
> Because of a redirection on error 404, it modified the
> in the other js files of the site and I had to rewrite
> (I only test in a well known situation ...).
> Still many problems with javascript, but not with Httrack
> modifications.
Javascripting is really a problem in many cases, especially
when the same js file is called from different places. The
newer 3.23 shoul fix many problems, as the path is now
estimated from the original html one, rather than from the
js one.
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