| > I'd like to use httrack to make speed comparaison between
diferent ISP's,
> by fetching some homepages on a regular basis: it seems
to be the best
> tool to simulate a real browsers behaviour. I could use
wget, but it gets
> all urls sequentialy, while httrack is doing it 'right',
fetching many
> objects at the same time.
> How accurate are the infos from the 'HTTrack mirror
complete in 12
> seconds : 73 links scanned, 72 files written (187443
bytes overall)
> [98779 bytes received at 8231 bytes/sec]' part?
Especially the '8231 b/
> s' information?
The reliable information are the "98779 bytes received"
(which is the RAW data received (TCP data without the
headers)), and "12 seconds". httrack then just computes
the "8231 bytes/sec" part with a precision of 1 second and
display the rounded result.
The "overall" stat is not really accurate, due to cache
issues and compression/ssl issues.
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