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Subject: Re: info on the Information window
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 04/27/2003 08:36
> can anyone give me some explanations what the data in the 
> part that's named 'Information' in the gui version is 
> supposed to mean? For example, what is it with the data 
> brackets at 'Updated links' and 'Links Scanned'?
Links Scanned: XX/YY (+ZZ)
  number of links scanned (XX) out of total number of links 
detected SO FAR (YY). ZZ links can optionnally be 
displayed, this is the number of links written in 
background, but not yet validated by the engine (the links 
are ready to be validated)

Files written: XX
  number of files written on disk in this mirror session 

Files updated: XX
  number of files updated during an update session. on a 
recent crawl, this number should be low (except if the site 
is unable to process correctly update requests)

Errors: XX 
  number of errors (XX) such as "Not found" pages. these 
errors are generally non-fatal errors and do not stop the 

Transfer rate: XX (YY)
  the "realtime" transfer rate is XX and the total tranfsr 
rate is YY

Time: XX
  total session time

Bytes saved: XX
  total amount of bytes saved on disk
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Subject Author Date
info on the Information window

04/25/2003 17:09
Re: info on the Information window

04/27/2003 08:36


Created with FORUM 2.0.11