| > .......
> If you want to keep similar names even when updating, use
> something like:
> %n%q.%t
> (%q is a hash value based on query string)
> (the -2, -3.. are generated on-the-fly by the naming system
> when a collision is detected ; that is, when the default
> address+URI transformation to a local filename gives an
> existing name with a different address+URI)
> Again, httrack should only issue an update request, and the
> server should only respond by sending an 'up-to-date'
> message reply.
> .......
Thanks for your answers,
I understand limitations of the web server i want to grab,
nevertheless is there an issue for httrack to keep similar
names, even when updating, without using %q option?
I would apreciate something like that:
Info: engine: transfer-status: link added: (or updated)
ffg.org/histo_int/score.htm?code=0446944&num=42 ->
(the index file item on the server never changes, except
when its related to a new file)
It would be convenient because the '42' item is really
meaningfully relating to the date order of the corresponding
file (%q hash value is not). I use a "Visual Basic for
Excel" program of my own for some statistical and graphical
purposes and an intuitive index file item is quite usefull
for users.
many thanks
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