| Ok I figured out what was wrong with my last apostraphe
problem and the problem with the site I am trying to
mirror. Their fault lies in the fact that they do not use
quotes in their A HREF tag, ie the link is
a href=http://www.whatever.com
and not
a href=http://www.whatever.com
I have made a test of this site for your convience at
The directory structure is this
in apos'traphe there is an index file pointing to an image.
However, since the line in /test/ points to
and not
it erros and produces a page (a 404 error) in a file called
apos.html when the site tries to mirror it.
Hope this helps and I hope you can find a way to work
around this. Once again thank you for all your help and
sorry I couldn't show you this earlier (took me a bit to
figure out too).
(bruce@stonepool.com) (Bruce Doering II on AIM) (9236942 on
ICQ) | |