| > I am using httrack so I can get html files to put them on
> server that wil be browsed by IP Phones.
> I have been trying to write a batch file so I could
> schedule thi task. It doesn't want to work and I really
> can't find why.
> The script seems to execute but nothing happens.
Weird -- using the same command, it is working perfectly
(using a DOS command and Windows 2000) :
C:\temp>"D:\Program Files\WinHTTrack\httrack.exe" -q%e%Px%x%
s%IM100000m20000,20000T3R6H0%kf2o0#L100000%f0#f -
F "Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)" -%
F "<!-- Mirrored from %s%s by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x
[XR&CO'2003], %s -->" -%l "fr, en, *"
bin/tparcour.pl?secteur=SE -O "C:\tmp\Mes Sites
Web\traffic","C:\tmp\Mes Sites Web\traffic" +*.png +*.gif
+*.jpg +*.css +*.js -%A
Running the second time gives me:
19:51:26 Info: engine: transfer-status: link
updated: www.sytadin.equipement.gouv.fr/cgi-bin/tparcour.pl?secteur=BP ->
C:/tmp/Mes Sites
19:51:27 Info: engine: transfer-status: link
updated: www.sytadin.equipement.gouv.fr/cgi-bin/tparcour.pl?secteur=SE ->
C:/tmp/Mes Sites
Check the timestamps, especially the hts-log.txt one, and
check for errors inside this file.
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