| > why is it that some sites when try to be copied from
> httrack, permit only the first, index page to be copied.
> not the whole site. example.www.bnf.org i have tried it
> but failed.
Note that some folders won't be downloaded by default,
because of robots.txt rules:
17:46:58 Info: Note: due to www.bnf.org remote robots.txt
rules, links begining with these path will be
forbidden: /navButtons, /navSecondMenu, /templates, /Library
, /images, /scripts (see in the options to disable this)
If you still have troubles, try to use the 3.30 pre-
release ; some problems were reported with "bad keep-alive"
As far as I can see (115 links downloaded yet), this site
seems to be okay with 3.30RC1.
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