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Subject: Re: Again, entire site + first level external links
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 06/29/2003 11:59
> > OK, I tried that and it does NOT work.

The external depth system has been modified in RC6:

- links forbidden by rule (filters) are still forbidden
- links "not explicitely forbidden by rule" and "not 
considered for inclusion (external)" AND "with implicit 
depth larger then external depth" are then switched 
to "external" mode with the desired external depth

This should work with most cases.

Do not use anymore "-*", but set the external depth to 1.
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Subject Author Date
Re: Again, entire site + first level external links

06/26/2003 06:44
Re: Again, entire site + first level external links

06/29/2003 11:59


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