| > I cannot build httrack with flash support under linux.
> okay, files are now in place
> *** process successfull! ***
Good - the hard part is okay.
> So after aclocal && automake && autoheader &&
> I can execute ./configure --prefix=$HOME
> so that Makefiles are actually created.
> But then the execution of make leads to this
> ../../libtool: line 1: s%^.*/%%: Datei oder
> Verzeichnis nicht
> gefunden
> ../../libtool: line 1: -e: command not found
> Any idea?
Humm, libtool screwed up.
Okay ; then try this (in the httrack directory) :
libtoolize --copy --force && aclocal && automake --add-
missing --copy --force-missing && autoheader && autoconf
This is what I do when rebuilding from scratch the
package ; and it should work.
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