| > Hmm, I change within the IIS the custom Errors property of
> HTTP Error 404 from type 'file' to 'url' and send it to
> of my ASP pages '/error/eshow.asp?error_id=16&'. This is a
> page that has the layout (including graphics) of the site
> and it's working without any problem. I'm not sure whether
> this creates a 200 page or still keeps the 404
For one of our IIS websites we use a custom 404 error page
pointing to '/404.asp'
While HTTracking the site one day, I was very surprised to
discover that IIS was actually returning a 200 response for
this error page!
A very easy solution to this is to enforce the ASP to
respond correctly as 404, but adding the following above any
HTML output:
Response.Status = "404 Not Found"
Also, you can check what response the error page is giving.
Create a test HTTrack project and set the start URL directly
to your error page (/error/eshow.asp?error_id=16) or a
non-existant file (/doesNotExist.htm), run the mirror, then
look at hts-log.txt
12:00:00 Error: "File Not Found" (404) at link www.
foo.com.au/doesNotExist.htm (from primary/primary)
and you will see the response code there.
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