| > I would like to be able to get HTTrack to copy a website
> (only 1 html file, no images) on a daily basis
> (scheduled). Each day the file will be named by its date,
> such as 91303.html and saved.
> How can I accomplish this? Can i do this in command line
> and plug it into a scheduler?
On Linux/Unix systems: quite easy to do (crontab).
On Windows, you'll have to use some bash-style
commandline ; using bash given with cygwin (www.cygwin.com)
The best solution imho: install crond using cygwin, and
create this kind of script in /home/myuser:
/cygdrive/d/Program\ Files/WinHTTrack/httrack.exe "-*" -
O "/cygdrive/d/My\ Web\ Sites/foo-`date +%m%d%y`"
And put it on a file (for example, named 'httrack-sched')
in /etc/cron.d/ (here, everyday at 22): ('myscript stands
for the script above, and ' 'myuser' stands for a regular
22 0 * * * myuser /home/myuser/myscript
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