| > > It seems to me that version 3.30-RC-17 (+swf) contains
> > bug regarding cookies.
> > I have a project where accept cookies is turned on. I
> > placed a cookies.txt (taken from Netscape) in the
> > directory. I started the download (and used activate
> > debugging mode for a full HTTP headers log). In the
> > request no cookie is sent.
> Is the first request a HEAD request? This could explain
> problem. Try to use 'use old HTTP/1.0 requests' option -
> send me the traces (roche@httrack.com) if they are not
> confidential.
Indeed the first request is a HEAD request. But why would a
HEAD request not pass existing cookies along? Is this
HTTP/1.1 behaviour? Or is this HTTrack's choice?
Anyway, if I check the option: 'use old HTTP/1.0 requests',
the problem remains. Now the first request is a GET
request, but still the existing cookie is not sent with the
first request.
Thanks in advance for an answer.
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