| > Under set options -> Local Structure Type I removed the .%
> and put in .shtml to rename all saved files as SHTML
> This worked fine awhile ago and gifs were downloaded and
> retained properly within the site.
This was indeed a bug :)
> Now however, when I'm doing the same thing. Even <IMG
> SRC='*.gif'> files are being renamed to .SHTML files and
> locally I can't even view the .shtml file when the
> mirroring is complete. Instead the source code(literally)
> displays. Rather weird. Any ideas as to why this happens
> Xavier? :)
Well, the bug might have been fixed :)
You can rename all html files, however, using the script
given few days ago:
find . -type f -name "*.html" -exec ./myscript {} \;
With a "myscript" script such as:
test -f "$1" || exit 1
# One single line here:
cat "$1" | sed -e "s/\([\"']\)\([^\"']*\)\(\.html\)\([\"']
\)/\1\2\.shtml\4/g" > "${1%.*}.shtml"
# (End of long line)
rm -f "$1"
| |