| > The site is HUGE and has several
> thousand posts/threads so putting all of the files in 1
> directory makes it difficult to navigate and expand/view
> in Explorer. Any way to force a new directory to be
> created and still have all of the links stay in tact
> a certain file size is reached?
See Set Options / Build / User-defined structure
.. and use the evil advanced variable extraction.
Example: the 17th message of the thread 1234 has the form:
Use the user-defined structure:
With this rule, the above link will be saved as:
More info about the %[..] options:
Details: User-defined option N
'%n' Name of file without file type (ex: image)
'%N' Name of file, including file type (ex: image.gif)
'%t' File type (ex: gif)
'%p' Path [without ending /] (ex: /someimages)
'%h' Host name (ex: www.someweb.com)
'%M' URL MD5 (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)
'%Q' query string MD5 (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)
'%q' small query string MD5 (16 bits, 4 ascii bytes)
'%s?' Short name version (ex: %sN)
'%[param]' param variable in query string
'%[param:before:after:notfound:empty]' advanced variable
Details: User-defined option N and advanced variable
param : parameter name
before : string to prepend if the parameter was found
after : string to append if the parameter was found
notfound : string replacement if the parameter could not
be found
empty : string replacement if the parameter was empty
all fields, except the first one (the parameter name),
can be empty
| |