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Subject: Re: Directory creation bug / Slow update bug and query
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 10/21/2003 19:40
> I have noticed this in both ver 3.23 and 3.30 : windoze 
> not allow the creation of a directory ending in either a
> space or a fullstop, so if httrack then tries to download 
> site where such directories exist, it cannot save any 
> as it cannot create the directories required.

Okay noted for the next release :)

> Why is httrack so slow to update a site? It appears it 
> only query one html page at a time to check if it is 
> (even though I have allowed it to use 5)

The update process should be fast - BUT this might be 
related to the type testing? Are the pages dynamic pages 
(.php, .asp) ?
> - The site I mirror updates its pages every day adding and
> changing several links. However, because the update of the
> site is so slow with httrack, I have found that httrack 
> download pictures based on the site without having
> downloaded the corresponding html page (something to do 
> checking the page one day vs downloading on another?). How
> it does this I don't know.

Definitely strange - but the site consistency can be bogus 
is the update process is too long

> - Also, as I have to stop httrack before it finishes, it
> will lose the fact that I have already downloaded many
> graphic files (the hts-cache
ew.* files will no longer have
> the information about them)

Even with interrupting "gently" ? (that is, cancelling, and 
waiting for pending downloads to finish)
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Subject Author Date
Directory creation bug / Slow update bug and query

10/21/2003 00:45
Re: Directory creation bug / Slow update bug and query

10/21/2003 19:40
Re: Directory creation bug / Slow update bug and q

10/21/2003 20:59
Re: Directory creation bug / Slow update bug and q

10/21/2003 22:31

10/22/2003 22:31


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