Subject: Re: REALLY complicated, this is! help, X - will you!? |
Author: Xavier Roche |
Date: 10/29/2003 22:34 |
| Please read the previous reply - the key is to use filters
(Set Options/Scan rules)
> the images i need are accesed through other pages
> (each image is on its own page) and these pages are
> located on urls like theese
> <>
> <>
> etc..
> gif
> and
> g
1. Define starting URLs
( and so on)
2. Use scan rules such as:
> but HTT only downloads .htm pages AND NOT THE IMAGES ON
> THEM. i need not go deeper through a site tree other than
> these pages, i just want HTT to download COMPLETE page
Yes, because yoyu did NOT define the proper filters -
controlling the mirror scope is not very hard to do, but
you have to tell httrack what to crawl, and what not to
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