line one excludes ALL files
line two includes all files under the www.deviantart.com
domain in and bellow the view folder
line three excludes all files one level bellow
www.deviantart.com domain's view folder
and lines four and five include .gif and .jpg files on
images.deviantart.com subdomain
in your case (let us asume the domain is www.testing.com)
you should exclude all files
and then include audio files
and also images
hope this helps.
also be sure to get the site path (url) right for both
audio and images. you will need to try it a few times just
to get the hang of the filters. i know i had to.
i know xavier is going to be helping you anytime soon also.
so try this. if it fails ask again. :)
and read the xaviers answer also :) |