| > I have recently been trying to get a few sites but
> found that httrack won't work on them for some reason :
> - <http://www.furiae.com>
Uses (recently, maybe?) nasty javascript (such as
textfilePopup() functions) that can not be properly handled
> - <http://www.robertocampus.com>
> For some reason httrack fails to get images from the
> even though the images are on the same domain (as far as I
> can tell).
Did you check the error log ? :)
09:32:58 Info: Note: due to www.robertocampus.com remote
robots.txt rules, links begining with these path will be
forbidden: /cgi-
bin, /images, /wendy, /campusfamily, /dreamwave, /comics, /u
don, /zev (see in the options to disable this)
> - <http://www.steveferris.com>
> The site uses swf files before linking to the images.
> swf files are downloaded fine, but none of the images are.
It seems that some galleries are not working properly - i
don't have explaination, however (bug embedded links ar
enot modified inside swf files, this might explain the bugs)
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