| For demonstration purposes, take:
Chose Download Site
In the middle of the download Press "Skip"
Start again using "Continue interupted download"
Alpha-3 starts in the middle and downloads only half of it.
Alpha-7 starts from the beginning
I have switched on -%H and have two hts-ioinfo.txt files.
What I spotted as main difference in the GET part is:
[1] request for www.cygwin.com/setup.exe:
<<< GET /setup.exe HTTP/1.1
<<< If-Unmodified-Since: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 19:32:32 GMT
<<< Range: bytes=114394-
<<< Connection: Keep-Alive
[1] request for www.cygwin.com/setup.exe:
<<< GET /setup.exe HTTP/1.0
<<< Connection: close
The response is a 206 in case 1 and a 200 in case 2 (plus
different byte counts and Keep-Alive parameters)
I can post the full hts-ioinfo.txt files or other infos if
it is necessary.
Best regards
Juergen | |