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Subject: Re: Internal server errors
Author: Mabian
Date: 04/23/2004 12:21
Hello again, I am wondering why the address in question can 
be retrieved by Opera 7, IE 6 and Mozilla Firefox 0.8 but 
there's no way accessing the main page from HTTrack; here 
below follows the log of trying the operation several times 
with different browser IDs - from MSIE55 to standard HTTrack 
to Mozilla 4.5 etc.

I don't think it's a matter of not reaching the page but 
maybe httrack does not allow to process partial pages...

Thanx and bye



HTTrack3.32+swf launched on Fri, 23 Apr 2004 12:18:02 at 
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"<!-- Mirrored from %s%s by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x 
[XR&CO'2004], %s -->" -%l "en, en, *" <http://www.dpreview>.
com/reviews/olympusc50z/default.asp -O "M:
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digitale\Olympus C-50 Review,M:
\MB\MB_Download\Misc\Fotografia Digitale\Corsi di fotografia 
digitale\Olympus C-50 Review" +*.png +*.gif +*.jpg +*.css 
+*.js* -%A php3,php,php2,asp,jsp,pl,
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12:18:02 Info:  engine: init
12:18:02 Debug:  Cache index loaded: 3 entries loaded
12:18:02 Info:  engine: start
12:18:02 Info:  engine: check-html: primary/primary
12:18:02 Info:  engine: save-name: local name: www.dpreview.
com/reviews/olympusc50z/default.html -> www.dpreview.
12:18:05 Info:  engine: transfer-status: link error (500, 
'Internal Server Error'): www.dpreview.
12:18:05 Debug:  File checked by cache:
12:18:05 Warning:  Retry after error 500 (Internal Server 
Error) at link
asp (from primary/primary)
12:18:08 Info:  engine: transfer-status: link error (500, 
'Internal Server Error'): www.dpreview.
12:18:08 Debug:  File checked by cache:
12:18:08 Warning:  Retry after error 500 (Internal Server 
Error) at link
asp (from primary/primary)
12:18:11 Info:  engine: transfer-status: link error (500, 
'Internal Server Error'): www.dpreview.
12:18:11 Debug:  File checked by cache:
12:18:11 Error:  "Internal Server Error" (500) after 2 
retries at link www.dpreview.
com/reviews/olympusc50z/default.asp (from primary/primary)
HTTrack Website Copier/3.32 mirror complete in 9 seconds : 3 
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updated [36918 bytes received at 4102 bytes/sec]
(1 errors, 2 warnings, 6 messages)
12:18:11 Info:  engine: end
12:18:11 Info:  engine: free
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Subject Author Date
Internal server errors

04/21/2004 08:32
Re: Internal server errors

04/21/2004 20:09
Re: Internal server errors

04/23/2004 12:21


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