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Subject: Re: Stop Httrack processing "action" in <FORM> tag
Author: Neil Matthew
Date: 10/14/2006 00:37
Unfortunately I am trying to mirror a website that uses actions in forms to
provide download files. I'd like HTTrack to mirror a file linked in an action
part of a form if it matches one of the file types set in the link options.

For example pages I need to mirror have in them:
<form> .... action="/root/files/1000.nb" ...</form>

I'd like to set +*.nb in the link options and have HTTracj create a mirror
sets the pages to look like:
<form> ....action="/wherever/HTTrack/mirrors/files/1000.nb" ... </form>
and download the nb file.

Can this be made possible?Please?
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Subject Author Date
Stop Httrack processing "action" in <FORM> tag?

09/26/2006 19:00
Re: Stop Httrack processing "action" in <FORM> tag

10/10/2006 20:23
Re: Stop Httrack processing "action" in <FORM> tag

10/14/2006 00:37


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