| > ("C:Program FilesWinHTTrackhttrack.exe" -%L
> C: est est.txt -O C: est/test -%v -s0 -* +*.jpg
> -*.jpg*[ +*.html +www.
> +www. )
Not a valid command no url
There is no such host www.
> I am able to download all pictures from the links in
> my test.txt but the filter "-*.jpg*[<80]" doesn't
> work. As you can see in the hts-log httrack makes
> "-*.jpg*[<80]" to "-*.jpg*[" without <80]
did you put quotes around the shell specific characters "-*.jpg*[< 80]"
(unnecessary if you had used the GUI)
Also there should be a space after the </> (parser bug, one works one
Why are you using the command line and not the GUI?Post the actual command
used (log file line two)
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