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Subject: Re: cant download an applet (nor find the address)
Author: john
Date: 03/21/2013 06:46
Thankyou for the reply, I post here two log lines, and how do I know if it's
self contained ? ...probably it is because can't download it.

Also I can't find the address of the applet following the scripts or finding
the Applet tag, maybe it is self contained as you say...

first attempt log (with the option - get non-html files related ticked):
2nd line:
(winhttrack -qwr2%e3C2%Pns2u1%B%s%uN0%I0p3DaK0H0%kf2A25000%f#f -F "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)" -%F "<!-- Mirrored from %s%s by
HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2010], %s -->" -%l "en, en, *"
<> -O1 "C:\from httrack\phase
diagrams" +*.png +*.gif +*.jpg +*.css +*.js*
-mime:application/foobar )

second attempt log (no external pages), don't know how to do set that, I used
mirroring depth 1, external 0:
2nd line:
(winhttrack -qwr1%e0C2%Pns2u1%s%uN0%I0p3DaK0H0%kf2A25000%f#f -F "Mozilla/4.5
(compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)" -%F "<!-- Mirrored from %s%s by
HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2010], %s -->" -%l "en, en, *"
<> -O1 "C:\from httrack
01\phase diagrams 01" +*.png +*.gif +*.jpg +*.css +*.js*
-mime:application/foobar )

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Subject Author Date
cant download an applet (nor find the address)

03/19/2013 02:32
Re: cant download an applet (nor find the address)

03/19/2013 13:34
Re: cant download an applet (nor find the address)

03/21/2013 06:46
Re: cant download an applet (nor find the address)

03/21/2013 13:45
Re: cant download an applet (nor find the address)

03/23/2013 17:53
Re: cant download an applet (nor find the address)

03/23/2013 19:38
Re: cant download an applet (nor find the address)

03/25/2013 05:13
Re: cant download an applet (nor find the address)

04/16/2013 17:46


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