| > A typical URL for an HTML page would be ~
> <http://www.myfamily.com/isapi.dll>?..
> And, the html code in that page to display a picture
> would
> be something like ~
> <a href='/isapi.dll?..
> Are such items as these unobtainable?
The problem is not URLs (you can even use filters like '-*
+www.myfamily.com/isapi.dll*' or '-*
+www.myfamily.com/isapi.dll*siteid=1234*') but I suspect
that there is some cookie behind this. Try to copy the
cookies (txt files like foo@www.myfamily.com.txt from the
C:\Documents and Settings\xxxx\Cookies\ folder) in the
project folder (C:\My Web Sites\myfamilysite\), and try to
try again.. this may work after several tests.
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