| > No, no. The syntax is -%S foo.txt
> Did you try to copy it among with other URLs, like in:
> www.foo.com -%S foo.txt
Hi Xavier,
I think, I have done it analogues to your sample:
In the textbox, where the base URLs are given, added "-%S
rules.txt" in the same line.
After pressing "Finish" (it is actually "Fertigstellen"
because of the german Windows :-)).
Immediately the page "Site mirroring finished" appears with
an error message:
A problem occured during the mirroring operation
<<long and cryptic Command Line - "-%S rules.txt" appears
in front of -O parameter>>
See the log if necessary.
Click FINISH to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier.
Thanks for using WinHTTrack!
There is no further logfile. Only thing different is, that
the existing doit.log file is empty. I think WinHTTrack is
trying to build a new one.
I am not sure about the location and the internal structure
of the rules.txt file.
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