Subject: "...Range Not Satisfiable" still not fixed, + more |
Author: Andrew |
Date: 05/01/2004 03:37 |
| Hi there,
1) In a previous forum message (dated 20/03/2004) you talked
to Juergen Bethke regarding the "Requested Range Not
Satisfiable" error and stated you saw the reason for it and
were going to implement a fix. I have downloaded winhttrack
v3.32 and this problem still persists for a site I am trying
to download. Has a fix been implemented?
2) I also get a message "I do not accept
If-Unmodified-Since". Can you possibly tell me what this
error means and how to fix it! :)
Both errors will delete the graphic from my computer, and
then re-download it later (a real pain as I get a lot of
these errors). And why do you delete the file on error?
3) Can you verify if the date/time stored in new.txt is the
modification date and time the original file will be stored
as on my computer. I ask this because I can see that the
time in the new.txt file is always 1 second behind the time
stored on my pc.
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