> If a file hasn't changed, are their links followed?> I mean, it seems to me
that sometimes httrack
> checks if a file has changed and as it receives
> "unchanged", it doesn't follow the inside links further (and
> that's not right because those links could lead to modified
> pages)
> I observe this behaviour looking at the "new.txt" file
> on repetitive executions. Sometimes the links inside
> the unmodified page are annotated on "new.txt",
> sometimes they are not.
> PS: What I really need is that every page
> (modified, unmodified, etc) gets to be written down
> on "new.txt" to process it afterwards.
During an "Update", links from pages seen as not modified should still be
followed. I've never really looked at the new.txt log.
Have you tried a regular "Download" instead of Update? That should force
everything into new.txt. Unless you really do only want to perform updates.
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