| > Many of the files are archived as .shk files. (It
> stands for ShrinkIt, BTW). Anyway, HTTrack (the
> current beta) is renaming these files to .txt, as in
> "loderunner.shk" becomes "loderunner.txt."
Probably a bad server-side MIME handling.
Did you try to add this to the arguments: ?--assume shk=application/x-shk
> Similarly, many text files lack any file extension
> at all, and HTTrack is saving them with "html.html",
> as in "schematic" becomes "schematichtml.html." No,
> that's not a typo on my part.
Hmm, yes - httrack always rename extensionless files (especially html),
because of filesystem limits (ie. the MIME type can not be stored in the
filesystem meta-data, and hence has to be "stored" in the file extension)
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