| If you use a proxy for browsing the following "cut
and paste" from Fred Cohen's excellent users guide
should get you going.
eg: to dowload www.cnn.com i use:
httrack -P www.cnn.com
where is my proxy at port 3128.
Now the "cut and paste":
Many users use a proxy for many of their functions.
This is a key component in many firewalls, but it is
also commonly used for anonymizing access and for
exploiting higher speed communications at a remote
server. Proxy options:
P proxy use (-P proxy:port or -P
%f *use proxy for ftp (f0 don't use)
If you are using a standard proxy that doesn't
require a user ID and password, you would do
something like this: httrack <http://www.shoesizes.com>
-O /tmp/shoesizes -P proxy.www.all.net:8080
In this case, we have asusmed that proxy.www.all.net
is the host that does the proxy service and that it
uses port 8080 for this service. In some cases you
will have to ask your network or firewall
administrator for these details, however, in most
cases they should be the same as the options used in
your web browser.
In some cases, a user ID and password are required
for the proxy server. This is common in corporate
environments where only authorized users may access
the Internet. httrack <http://www.shoesizes.com> -O
/tmp/shoesizes -P fc:password@proxy.www.all.net:8080
In this case, the user ID 'fc' and the password
'password' are used on proxy.www.all.net port 8080.
Again, your network or firewall administrator can be
most helpful in addressing the specifics for your
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