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Subject: Re: Login required web site
Author: William Roeder
Date: 03/29/2009 15:40
> A few weeks before, I was able to make mirror of the
> private section by using
> <http://id:password@private-area-top-page-uurl>

That is the http authentication. You need the capture url to do form
authentication <> and remember to
filter out the log out url.

> But today it is not working. 
Most protected sites don't allow you logged in forever.

> Is this correct ?It is correct but irrelevant.

> And shall I try capture URL ? If so how do I do
> capture URL ? My browser remembers login ID and
> passsword so if load that private area top page, I
> am automatically logged in and the top page of the
> private area is displayed.
You log out and then capture the logging in.

> BTW if I try to do capture URL Proxy address given
> is fe80::c19d:1a6c:64cd:4317%8 and this proxy does
> not work.  I am running Vists.
Searching the form you'll find that IP V6 does not work. Most suggestions is
to force Vista back to v4.

You might instead of capture url, copy your browser's cookies.txt to the
mirror and for go the capture.  Works on most sites, but not all.
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Subject Author Date
Login required web site

03/24/2009 06:27
Re: Login required web site

03/29/2009 15:40


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