HTTrack Website Copier
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Subject: Re: Dowloading one single filetype only from pages
Author: Michael-R
Date: 04/23/2009 17:29
Dear William,

thanks very much for your quick and profound response.

The file inclusion/exclusion syntax is now clear to me. However the proxy
settings are still causing problems. My ssettings are identical to those of
the Explorer, but still the mistake occurs. Now I thought maybe I am still
causing some exclusion problems, this is why I then said, well, lets download
everytthing of the page just as a test. When staring the tool it seemed it is
working but it then gave again a failure message, which is:

HTTrack3.43-4+htsswf+htsjava launched on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 17:26:22 at
<> -* +*.mp4 +*.htm*
(winhttrack -qi%e3C2%Ps2u1%s%uN0%I0p3DaK0H0%kf2A25000%f0#f -F "Mozilla/4.5
(compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)" -%F "<!-- Mirrored from %s%s by
HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2008], %s -->" -%l "en, en, *"
<> -O1 D:\TEMP\Httrack\TedTalks01 -* +*.mp4 +*.htm* )
Information, Warnings and Errors reported for this mirror:
note: the hts-log.txt file, and hts-cache folder, may contain sensitive
 such as username/password authentication for websites mirrored in this
 do not share these files/folders if you want these information to remain
17:26:22 Info:  Note: due to remote robots.txt rules, links
begining with these path will be forbidden: /index.php/profiles/browse (see in
the options to disable this)
17:26:24 Warning:  File not parsed, looks like binary:
17:26:24 Error:  "Open error when decompressing" (-1) at link
(from primary/primary)
17:26:24 Info:  No data seems to have been transfered during this session! :
restoring previous one!

Sorry for boterhing you again, but it would be grert to get some help here.

Ragards and great tool, I used it already in the past!!

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Subject Author Date
Dowloading one single filetype only from pages

04/22/2009 21:12
Re: Dowloading one single filetype only from pages

04/22/2009 21:53
Re: Dowloading one single filetype only from pages

04/22/2009 21:55
Re: Dowloading one single filetype only from pages

04/23/2009 17:29
Re: Dowloading one single filetype only from pages

04/23/2009 23:12


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