| OP: Is there any way to make this program check if there are more directories
in a
series? For example, If there's a directory called www.website.com/1/ is it
possible to have it check for /2/ and up?
Reply: I still can't figure this out so I'm going to be a little bit more
specific. I'm trying to copy some of my favorite stories from fanfiction.net.
WinHTTrack does not detect the links because to get to them you have to click
on a java box so, in a way, the links are hidden. However, the chapters are
all saved in a series of directories. For example, chapter 6 is in
<http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1395614/6/> but WinHTTrack can only detect
<http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1395614/1/>. So, how do I make it so that it can
"spider" up to, say, /99/ and download the links which return a result.
If you've already answered this, I'm sorry but I didn't understand.
-- Sorry for the repost, but I went on vacation and couldn't try the help
given until the post was already past the first page. | |